In this post, I will give the list of Linux command you need to use in your Linux machine. Below I will categorize the Linux command into a few different topics for your understanding.
echo | Display a line of text. Often used in programs and scripts to relay information to users. |
factor | Displays possible factors of a decimal number. |
expr | Solve math equations. |
look | Look up a word in the dictionary. |
clear | Clear the terminal screen. |
history | Display recently used commands. You can also view these commands via the Up and Down keys. |
! | Repeat a recently used command. You can use !n to repeat the n-th command in history or !-n to repeat what happened n commands ago. |
man | Display the manual for a terminal program. |
whatis | Display a brief description of a terminal program. A simpler alternative to the man command. |
alias | Create a shortcut to a command or, when combined with the cd command, directory. |
exit | Exit or close the terminal. |
Navigation & File Management
cd | Change directory. Used to navigate between folders. |
pwd | Display current directory. |
cd | Change current directory. |
ls | Display a list of files in the current directory. |
cp | Makes a copy of a file. Defaults to the current directory unless you specify a specific one. |
mv | Move a file from one directory to another. |
rm | Remove a file or set of files. |
stat | Display when a file was last accessed, modified, or changed. |
touch | Change the date accessed or date modified time of a given file to right now. |
rmdir | Delete a file or files. |
mkdir | Create a directory. Defaults to the current directory, but you can also specify one. |
rmdir | Delete a directory. Defaults to the current directory, but you can also specify one. The target directory must be completely empty. |
rename | Change the name of a file or set of files. |
find | Search a specific directory (or your entire PC) to find files that match designated criteria. |
locate | Search for files or directories. Faster than the find command, but has fewer options. |
grep | Search a specific file or set of files to see if a string of text exists and where. |
mount | Attach a separate filesystem (such as an external hard drive or USB stick) to your system's main filesystem. |
umount | Detach a separate filesystem from your system's main filesystem. |
cat | Display the contents of a text file. Also works with multiple files. |
chmod | Modify the read, write, and execute permissions of a file. |
chown | Change the user or group that owns a file. |
su | Switch user. Unless you desigate a specific user, this command will attempt to sign in as the root user (which you can think of as the system administrator). |
whoami | Displays the current user name. |
id | Display current user and group. |
passwd | Create or update a user's password. |
Network Management
ip | Displays you IP address, network interfaces, bandwidth usage, and more. |
ping | Send or receive data from another computer on a network. Often used to test whether a network connection is established and the speed of that connection. |
dig | Look up a domain's DNS address |
wget | Download a file. |
ssh | Secure Shell. Connect and login to a remote network location. |
System Administration
uname | Displays core system information such as kernel version, hardware, and operating system. |
sudo | Enter before a command to perform the command as a system administrator. User must have administrator priveleges for this to work. |
apt/dnf/pacman | Programs for installing software and updates. Which one to use depends on your Linux-based operating system. Each requires administrator rights and additional instructions, such as sudo apt install program-name . |
jobs | Display the status of all current jobs. A job is a representation of a running process or group of processes. |
bg | Send a job to the background. |
fg | Send a job to the foreground. |
kill | End a process according to its process ID (which you can get using the ps command. |
killall | End all processes whose names match your query. |
ps | Display a list of running processes. Defaults to processes started by the current user. |
top | Displays a list of running processes, sorted by how much CPU each uses. Unlike ps, the command updates in real-time. |
uptime | Displays time since last boot. |
whereis | Finds the executable file for a program. |
df | Displays how much disk space is used and free on your system. |
free | Displays how much RAM is used and free on your system. |
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