
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

How to change the navigation arrow in the Google map on iOS Device

Google Maps Navigation Car

We travel from one place to another place we used the maps as an assistant. In know place no problem if you travel to an unknown place you need the map assistant. Mostly we all used the Google Map for your assistant. Google map will guide you to reach your destination safely and a short period of time. It will also show the traffic.

Google map add small fun to your iOS app. If you travel from one place to another place you request the Google map to show the direction you can select car mode in your Google map it will show the navigation from your source location to destination location.

In that navigation, Google map will show the arrow mark. You can change the arrow mark to the car. You want to know how to change the navigation arrow to the car. Follow the below steps.

Open you Google Map on your iOS Devices and select the destination location and select the drive mode. Now it will show navigation arrow like this.

Just top the arrow, it will show the car image in the popup select any one of the car icons now your navigation arrow will change to the car.

Google Maps Navigation
Google Maps Navigation Location
Google Maps Navigation Choose Car
Google Maps Navigation

Enjoy the fun on your travel.

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